Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Awaken Your Strongest Self

Listen to podcast of Oct 13 for a summary of Awaken
6:18 PM PDT, October 13, 2006, updated at 11:43 AM PDT, October 17, 2006
o TIP 1: Observe your immediate reactions to stress for a few days and label them old habits and ancient survival "defaults" that need to be updated to fit your current challenges, mission, and goals. Shift perspective to gain control.
o TIP 2: Consider that many forms of depression and shame may be ancient (mammal brain) survival mechanisms that lower aggression to keep you from fighting in situations where you can't win, so you can try again another day. The salute and handshake are modern ways of showing respect and that you have no weapons. Use your new human brain to maintain your worth, stop the shame, and override any lower brain archaic reactions that no longer fit.
o For more tips see http://www.neilfiore.com "Free Articles and Tips."

Oct. 13, Friday 5 pm PDT 8 pm EDT Interview with Neil Fiore
12:18 AM PDT, October 13, 2006, updated at 4:56 PM PDT, October 16, 2006
To listen to an interview with the author speaking about Awaken Your Strongest Self, click on:
http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=1833 and scroll down to
10/13/06 and click on either "Download" or "Listen"
This show will be archived and downloadable via itunes

Neil Fiore seminar in San Francisco Nov. 18 Saturday
10:43 AM PDT, September 18, 2006, updated at 12:27 PM PDT, October 3, 2006
Nov. 16: Listen to an hour-long interview with Dr. Neil Fiore talking about Awaken Your Strongest Self on Thursday, Nov. 16, 6 a.m. New York time, 9 a.m. California time.
Click on: http://www.worldtalkradio.com/show.asp?sid=157

Nov. 18: For all-day seminar in San Francisco on Saturday, Nov. 18 see link to UC Berkeley Extension catalogue: http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course1186.html
use Awaken Your Strongest Self to "Access Your Higher Brain."
When you take charge of your life you are using your brain's leadership functions and shifting to the perspective of your "Strongest Self."
Exercises and concepts adapted from research on the stages of change, optimal performance strategies, and the martial arts help you learn to put your new human brain in charge so you get unstuck from old patterns and achieve your higher goals and values.

Sept. 30: Awaken Your Strongest Self was introduced on Sept. 30 at an all-day seminar at The Smithsonian, Washington DC.

Your Life - Who's In Charge?: Fiore's new book: Awaken Your Strongest Self

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