Wednesday, August 11, 2004


New eBook from author of The Now Habit

Neil Fiore, author of The Now Habit - see reviews at - has just published an ebook:
"It's Your Life - Who's In Charge? Your Guide to Inner Peace, Greater Joy & Less Stress".

It's Your Life is based on Dr. Fiore's interviews with 100 individuals who were positively transformed as a result of surviving a crisis. Now - without experiencing a crisis - you can quickly access the "5 Qualities of Inner Peace" they and he had to learn the hard way.

For a preview chapter and Table of Contents, go to


Your Guide To Inner Peace, Greater Joy & Less Stress

What would you ask a consultant-psychologist [presumed expert in Human Behavior and Goal Achievement, including attaining Inner Peace] that could be of help to you or your loved ones?
- health goals/fitness/athletic performance?_____ yes _____ no
- less stress and anxiety about life and work? _____ yes _____ no
- relationships/love/communication skills? _____ yes _____ no
- productivity, efficiency, ease at work? _____ yes _____ no

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